Life Skills Kids Learn while Playing Tennis

Many people say that tennis is a lifetime sport, but what are the reasons for this? Tennis can be played from childhood all the way until your retirement years, but it does more than keep you in shape. There are many social, mental, emotional, and ethical benefits that come from playing tennis regularly, which is why many parents choose tennis summer camp for their kids. If you want to learn more about the life skills learned while playing tennis, here’s what you need to know.


As kids begin to perfect the techniques and skills of tennis, they will gain more confidence in their abilities. Tennis, like many other sports, teach children how to believe in themselves and as they win games and become better players, they will feel more capable. Feeling like they are good at something they enjoy doing will give them self-confidence.


An important skill for everyone to develop in life is self-discipline. This skill helps us set goals and motivates us to do our best to achieving those goals. Since a successful tennis match depends on the skill of each individual player, you cannot blame others for missing goals or passing poorly. In real games, it is one player against another, which means you will need to work harder to ensure you do your best. As students develop self-discipline through tennis lessons, they will have greater success in their academics and career if they maintain this learned skill.


Tennis teaches children the value of honesty and integrity. They learn how to follow rules as they play the game and understand why everyone (including themselves) must play fair and be sincere and truthful about their play. Our tennis coaches encourage students to always be honest, and realize that if everyone plays well together, everyone will have a better time.


Junior tennis lessons in Toronto will teach you child proper hand-eye coordination, and builds their fine motor skills. This involves judging distance, timing, strength, and more. By learning how to hit a small, fast-moving ball with a racket to a precise location across the net, your child will improve in other areas of their life that involve coordination.

Responsibility & Accountability

Tennis requires a commitment to showing up for practice, working hard to perfect skills, and be the best player you can be. By accepting the responsibility that comes with joining tennis lessons, your child will learn the value of being accountable. Accountability means being there for other people, and doing your best to be reliable and trustworthy. Kids will learn that they cannot quit in the middle of a game or give up if they are not doing well. Tennis teaches perseverance, self-control, and composure, which help kids grow up into accountable people.


One of the most important skills your child will learn by playing tennis is sportsmanship. They will learn how to win with grace and how to lose without getting overly discouraged or angry. They will learn about healthy competition and gain respect for fellow teammates and for their opponents.


Tennis is a challenging sport because it involved a lot of fast decision-making. By learning from an early age, your child will develop strategy-making skills. This includes quick thinking, reacting with their gut instinct, being flexible, and responding quickly and effectively. As a result, your child will learn how to problem solve, and this can help them as they make decisions at school, and eventually in their career.


Tennis isn’t a sport that most people can pick up a racket and just play—it takes practice and dedication to truly perfect every movement and technique. By practicing daily at our camps, your child will develop their skills and become better players. Dedication learned through sports can also help kids in other areas of their life when they are required to study, memorize, or learn something new.

Being a Team Player

Another great skill your child will learn from tennis lessons is how to be a team player. When children play sports they have to learn how to share, contribute for the success for the entire group, and how to collaborate. Being a part of a team teaches children to do our best and to help others do their best as well.

Celebrating Success

Sometimes the goals set for kids can seem big and nearly unreachable, so when our tennis students accomplish their goals we celebrate. By celebrating and appreciating children’s successes, we help them learn the importance of setting your mind to something and working until it is completed.

Junior Tennis Lessons in Toronto at Bayview Village Tennis Camp

If your child wants to learn tennis in Toronto, Bayview Village Tennis Camp is the place to go. Our tennis lessons in Toronto will help your child develop the right techniques and skills required to become excellent players, and they will reap the benefits of a positive, healthy, social, active environment. They will learn from our certified and trained instructors how to play tennis and how to be great team players. Our teachers are fully invested in the students we train, and take the time to ensure they are learning important life skills for their own benefit. We provide the best tennis lessons for beginners in the Greater Toronto Area, and our Tennis Canada-certified instructors teach students how to have fun with tennis and how to play smart and safe. For more information about our tennis programs, visit our web site, call us at (905) 889-7293, or e-mail us at