How to Keep Your Kids Hydrated During Tennis Summer Camp

tennis summer camp

No matter what activity your child does during the summer, they will likely be running around, playing, and working up a sweat. When we sweat, our bodies lose water, which is why it’s important to rehydrate in the summer. This simple guide will provide you with tips to help your child stay hydrated and healthy during the summer. If your child is joining our Toronto tennis summer camp, these tips will ensure they get the most out of their time and stay fueled.

Why Is Water Important?

Our bodies need water to survive. In fact, water makes up over 60% of the human body, and fuels every system. Humans may be able to survive around three weeks without food, but we cannot survive even a week without water.

  • Children under 4 should drink a minimum of 2-4 cups per day
  • Children ages 4-8 should have 5 cups per day
  • Children ages 9-13 should have 7-8 cups per day
  • Adults need about 8 cups a day

Water is essential to keeping our bodies working as they should, so here are some ways to get your children motivated to drink more water.

Snack on Fruits and Vegetables

Many fruits and vegetables are loaded with water. Add these snacks to your child’s lunch box before they go to tennis summer camp in Toronto: celery, cucumbers, watermelon, strawberries, cauliflower. You can also create a DIY fruit popsicle by blending or pureeing different fruit combinations with no-sugar-added juice and pouring them into ice cube trays with popsicle sticks. This refreshing snack will wet their whistle and keep them energized.

Say “No” to Sweets

It’s easy to get in the habit of buying soda or sugary sports drinks, but water is the best way to keep hydrated. For a bit of flavour, slice some cucumber, oranges, lemon, or strawberries and diffuse them in a jar for an hour. The water will have a hint of flavour that will keep them coming back for more. If your child does crave sweets, swap the candy for a sweet fruit like an apple or mango.

The Water Challenge

Another fun way to encourage your child to drink more water this summer is to play the “Water Challenge.” In this challenge, you fill a large bottle with water, and put markings down the bottle to signify progress. Many people will put times and encouraging phrases like:

  • 7:00 a.m. – Good morning!
  • 8:00 a.m. – Drink it up!
  • 11:00 a.m. – Don’t quit yet!
  • 1:00 p.m. – Keep up the great work!
  • 3:00 p.m. – Woohoo!

Tennis Lessons in Toronto at Bayview Village Tennis Camp

Are you considering summer tennis camp for your kids? Bayview Village Tennis Camp is the perfect camp to choose! Our tennis lessons in Toronto will help your child develop the techniques and skills required to become excellent players, and they will reap the benefits of a positive, healthy, social, active environment. Our certified and trained instructors will help your child understand the importance of making healthy lifestyle habits so they can grow into skilled and talented tennis players and successful adults. For more information about our summer tennis programs, visit our web site, call us at (905) 889-7293, or e-mail us at