Tag Archives: tennis camp

How Coaches and Instructors Can Shape Young Tennis Players

Ask any budding tennis player and they’ll tell you that their success on the court is largely influenced by their tennis coach or instructor. Why? Because a coach is the player’s role model, confidant, teacher, mentor, and moral guide. They help instruct the player on the rules of the game while ensuring their physical and <strong>How Coaches and Instructors Can Shape Young Tennis Players</strong>

How Girls Can Benefit from Playing Tennis

Physical activity does more than get us into shape. Exercise has proven to relieve stress and tension, reduce anxiety, improve mental focus, generate better sleep, and more. Unfortunately, many girls miss out on the fun of sports that could improve their health, boost their confidence, increase their self-esteem and help them cope with various stresses How Girls Can Benefit from Playing Tennis

How to Keep Your Kids Hydrated During Tennis Summer Camp

No matter what activity your child does during the summer, they will likely be running around, playing, and working up a sweat. When we sweat, our bodies lose water, which is why it’s important to rehydrate in the summer. This simple guide will provide you with tips to help your child stay hydrated and healthy How to Keep Your Kids Hydrated During Tennis Summer Camp