How Coaches and Instructors Can Shape Young Tennis Players

Tennis Coach Teaching Boy how to Play Tennis.

Ask any budding tennis player and they’ll tell you that their success on the court is largely influenced by their tennis coach or instructor.

Why? Because a coach is the player’s role model, confidant, teacher, mentor, and moral guide. They help instruct the player on the rules of the game while ensuring their physical and mental health remains intact.

In tennis, a coach is the main source of learning. If your child is new to the sport, their coach will be responsible for teaching them the rules, techniques, and methods that are needed to master the game.

Qualities of a Good Tennis Coach or Instructor

A good tennis coach must have a number of professional and personal qualities to offer expertise and knowledge to players of all abilities. A calm, cool, and patient mindset is only the beginning.

Knowledge and Expertise in Tennis

At tennis camp, participants can only learn basic skills before being exposed to a higher level of play. A good coach uses their own experience and knowledge obtained in their own tennis career to teach new and veteran players. Being able to use these methods in a teachable manner takes a specific skill set.

Communication Skills

Communication is key in any type of coaching position. With tennis, a good coach must be able to connect personally on a level with each player in an appropriate and professional way. The relationship between a coach and a player is based on trust with an “open-door” policy.

Passion for the Game

Most people entering the coaching world have a passion for the topic at hand. A good tennis coach never strays from improving their own skills while passing on their expertise through coaching. Through enthusiastic actions and a positive attitude, a coach is able to instruct players in a fun but a constructive method.

Ability to Motivate and Adapt

Tennis summer camp coaches wear many hats, including motivators. It is their job to encourage players to train, improve their skills, and have self-confidence in their own abilities. Win or lose, a good tennis coach should support their players whether in a free-for-all scrimmage or in a competitive tournament.

Organizational Skills

A coach of any activity needs to have exceptional organizational skills. At a tennis summer camp, there are tennis lessons for young children and teenagers of all abilities. To ensure all players are eagerly engaged and receive proper instruction, the coach must have a logistical plan. 

How a Good Tennis Coach Can Impact a Young Player’s Development

A tennis camp is designed to help players improve their skills while developing new ones to reach their goals. A good tennis coach will help your child’s development in five basic areas: technical components, tactical decisions, mental preparation, physical conditioning, and attitude and mindset.

Technical Skills and Training

The age-old motto “practice makes perfect” is taken seriously in the game of tennis. Learning and developing technical skills through training techniques are critical steps towards becoming the pro player your child is destined to become.

Tactical Skills and Strategies

A tactical move is defined as a plan to achieve a goal. In tennis, tactical skills and strategies are planned to give players a mental outline to successfully beat their opponent in a match. These skills include being able to form appropriate decisions for mastering a skillset.

Mental Skills and Focus

To obtain tactical skills it takes precise mental resilience and focused thought. In addition to improving self-confidence, a coach helps a player form positivity, emotional control, motivation, and unity in terms of working with others.

Physical Training and Conditioning

As tennis is a demanding physical sport, a coach motivates the players to stay in good physical shape through drills on the court. Off the court, the training continues with following a healthy lifestyle to support your child’s developing tennis skills.

Attitude and Mindset

A healthy attitude and focused mindset are two important skills to obtain and develop throughout a player’s life. A tennis coach is constantly focused on encouraging players to be supportive of other players while improving their own mental self-being.

The Benefits of Training Under a Tennis Coach

Books and online videos can teach the basic rules and regulations of tennis, but it takes hands-on experience from a certified tennis coach to gain the practical and emotional skills needed to master the game.

Developing a Love and Passion for the Sport

Oftentimes, young children begin playing tennis due to encouragement from a parent or from curiosity from watching a game on television or online. With the right coach, a player can turn that curiosity into a passion and deep devotion for the game.

Building Confidence and Self-Esteem

Everyone needs an emotional support person outside of their own family and circle of friends. A dedicated tennis coach provides the tools to build self-esteem and confidence with no ulterior motives or conditions.

Learning Valuable Life Skills

Teamwork, leadership, and sportsmanship are considered top soft skills that are essential for good emotional and mental health. Having the opportunity to learn a sport such as tennis from a certified and professional instructor helps to build on these skills. These and other developmental soft skills are one of the greatest benefits of having a tennis coach.

Creating Opportunities for Personal Growth and Development

Life presents challenges and opportune moments that help us discover our strengths and weaknesses. Having a qualified tennis coach can help improve your child’s personal growth and development in a supportive and proactive way.

Join Our Junior Tennis Camp Now and Give Your Child the Gift of a Lifetime

At Bayview Village Tennis Camp, our certified team members are dedicated to teaching and coaching your child to become a tennis player. We focus on skill development as well as competitive opportunities in a safe and fun environment for everyone. For more information about the junior, intermediate, and advanced summer tennis programs, visit our website, call us at (905) 889-7293, or e-mail us at