4 Ways to Keep Your Kids Active at Summer Tennis Camp

tennis summer campTennis camp for kids is a great way to keep your kids in shape throughout the summer, but even kids can get tired. If your child is typically sedentary, the following health tips for tennis summer camp will help them prepare until the lessons begin. There’s no time like the present to start getting active with your family, and these tips from fit people will help you achieve your health and fitness goals!

Eat a Balanced Meal

It can be pretty hard to get your kids to eat their fruits and veggies on a daily basis, especially when they almost always prefer ice cream and junk food over healthy, nutritious foods. But it’s important to ensure your kids stay in top-top shape, not just physically, but also mentally, by feeding them healthy meals. Kids need a lot of nutrients, especially when they are active in sports. That means eliminating junk food, fast food, and heavy, greasy meals and sticking to lean, unprocessed, nutritious foods. Also, to avoid endless snacking and constant rumbles in their stomachs, make sure your kids eat three to four square meals a day.

Stay Hydrated

Thirst can often be mistaken with hunger, especially when the weather is in the warmer temperatures. Make sure your kids stay hydrated throughout the summer and drink plenty of water when playing tennis. Not only will this help prevent muscle cramps, but it will also improve your child’s athletic performance. Whether your child is a beginner or an advanced-level player, teaching them to drink lots of fluids when exercising is a healthy habit that they can carry with them as they get older.

Get Lots of Physical Activity

Daily exercise refers to about 60 minutes a day of activity. For kids, this can include playing at the park, riding their bike with friends, swimming, or playing sports like tennis. If you want to motivate your kids to stay in shape, make exercise a family activity. Instead of heading to the television after dinner, go for a family walk, play catch, or take the dog to the park. The fresh air and light activity will help you fight off that lazy, sleepy feeling after a meal and help your kids to make healthy lifestyle choices.

Get Enough Sleep

One of the best ways to ensure your kids stay healthy this summer is make sure they get enough sleep. Sleep gives your kids the energy necessary to play sports regularly, helps balance their metabolism, repair their muscles, improve their athletic performance, and more. Getting about seven to eight hours of sleep each night will help your kids become healthier, less irritable, and happier overall.

Keep Your Kids Healthy at Bayview Village Tennis Camp this Summer

Tennis summer camps in Toronto are a great way to make sure your child stays in shape this summer. As you strive to create a healthier lifestyle with your family, summertime is a great opportunity to get your kids involved in sports. Tennis is a well-balanced sport that encourages activity, muscle strength, coordination, endurance, and mental determination. Your child will learn teamwork, social skills, and benefit from the many athletic and play-focused activities at a tennis camp like Bayview Village Tennis Camp. We also advise parents on important things they should know before bringing their kids to camp. Our team includes Tennis Canada-certified instructors who work to teach kids not only how to have fun, but also how to play smart and safe. For more information about the junior and advanced summer tennis programs, call us at (905) 889-7293 or e-mail pnielsen889@rogers.com.