How to Keep Your Kids Cool on the Court during Their Tennis Summer Camp

Adorable little tennis player in white activewear holding racket on right shoulder while standing in front of camera in stadium environmentWarm summer weather and the scorching hot sun go hand-in-hand. This is great for the summer flowers but can be difficult for young children who are playing tennis in the summer.

Believe it or not, a tennis court can emit heat up to 20 degrees hotter than the surrounding air temperature. With these temperatures, it’s easy to become overheated quickly. That’s why it’s important to take measures to help keep your kids cool at their tennis summer camp. Here are some great tips!

Hydrate and Re-Hydrate Them

Hydration is key, in any sort of weather. It is said to rehydrate your body with as much liquid as one perspires. In terms of tennis, that can equate to 32 to 80 ounces every hour.

We also lose sodium and other minerals our body requires to thrive. Replacing these minerals needs to be done before, during, and after play on the tennis court with a combination of water and electrolytes.

Keep Their Body Temperature as Cool as Possible

When playing tennis in the heat, there are key body points that when cooled can lower the body’s temperature. Known as pulse points, the inside of the wrists, the temple, and the neck are the best points of contact to cool the body. Use cold wet washcloths, frozen wet towels, or ice packs to apply to these pulse points.

Pay Attention to Their Feet

Before sending your kid to tennis camp, be sure they have the proper footwear. Tennis courts trap the heat from the blazing sun and air temperature. This heat can transfer into the body through the feet. Wearing socks with wicking material will help absorb sweat from the feet.

Buy Them Lightweight and Breathable Gear

Having proper footwear will help beat the heat but what about the rest of the body? When packing a bag for your kids’ tennis summer camp, add lightweight and breathable clothing. These materials allow the skin to keep cool as the sweat is absorbed and the skin can dry faster.

Keep Them in the Shade

When playing tennis, have your child wear a mesh or breathable hat or sun visor. There are also hats that are designed to keep kids cool, such as a hat with a drape to cover the back of the neck. Summer camps provide frequent breaks and tents for the players to have a shady break-in.

Apply Sunscreen

Depending on your child’s sensitivity to the sun, choose an appropriate SPF level to block the harmful ultraviolet rays. There are sunscreens on the market that protect against sweat. Look for lightweight, long-lasting sunscreens that are designed for sports activities.

Enroll Your Child at Bayview Village Tennis Camp Today!

Bayview Village Tennis Camp provides a safe and fun environment for kids of all ages and abilities. Our Tennis Canada-certified instructors have played at all levels of the sport. They have a first-person understanding of the importance of how to help keep your kids cool during tennis play in the heat. Contact us today to learn more!