8 Reasons Why Girls Should Play Tennis

Girls Tennis CampWe all know girls can play any sport they want! If you’re looking for a great summer activity for your child this summer, why not enroll their daughter in a girls’ tennis camp?

From gaining friendships with other same-aged girls to improving their mental focus, girls can learn life lessons at a junior tennis camp in Toronto. The sport of tennis offers hidden benefits for all young athletes that are not seen with other sports.

Here are eight reasons why young girls should play tennis.

Tennis Is a Lifelong Sport

Unlike many sports, tennis is one physical sport that can last a lifetime. This may be due to the fact that tennis is a non-contact and low-impact sport which translates to our bodies being more tolerable to the sport. There are few limitations in the world of tennis as seen with the incredible skills of paralympic athletes.

Tennis is also a game of skill and strategy. It is enjoyed around the world by young children, teens, and adults of all ages. There are local, regional, national, and international competitions for ages 8 to 99.

Better Academic Performance

The strategy and behind-the-scenes lessons of sports, particularly tennis, can help your daughter improve scholastically. The lessons learned include time management, prioritizing, and organization skills. Being able to predict the ball movement along with the velocity boils down to math and science skills.

Tactics in tennis improve one’s ability to focus and concentrate on the task at hand, which in turn can help with school studies. As your daughter begins to learn the sport, her memory function and ability to attain information help with all academic lessons.

Finer Psychological Health

Aside from one’s physical health, it is important to maintain strong psychological health. Tennis allows for well-balanced mental and physical health for everyone from young children to older adults.

By working with teammates, coaches, instructors, and officials, your daughter can learn how to solve problems with others. The sportsmanship taught will boost self-esteem, and confidence and they will learn to love themselves, both inside and out.

Improved Physical Health

Obviously, playing any active sport will help to maintain a healthy lifestyle. Learning to love tennis at a young age keeps the passion for the sport, and for being active, long into adulthood. In addition to the cardiovascular benefits, tennis helps to build strong bones in childhood while slowing the loss of bone mass later in life. As a sport demanding constant movement, tennis is a great way to maintain a passion for exercise.

Tennis helps young girls to have better coordination, agility, range of motion, and endurance. By instilling physical fitness into their life early, the risk for serious heart disease, respiratory illnesses, and obesity is greatly reduced.

Tennis Provides Camaraderie

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, the word refers to “mutual trust and friendships among people who spend a lot of time together”. This simply applies to anyone in this situation therefore, tennis creates camaraderie.

The bonds shaped between your daughter and her teammates are one that can last a lifetime. Spending time with girls of the same age and of the same mindset often opens other doors of interest. The lifelong lessons of how to relate to others are priceless, especially as we age and take on a more active role in our communities.

Capability to Deal with Tensions

As tennis is a sport where one is continuously moving, the physical and psychological benefits can help reduce stress. During exercise, our brain releases endorphin chemicals that target pain and tension. In addition, focusing on the game can distract our minds from the worries and stress we are facing.

In addition to these “feel-good” naturally produced chemicals, tennis provides lessons in dealing with tensions, disappointment, and resiliency. Your daughter will learn the tender lessons of winning and losing and how to handle it in life situations.

Tennis Is Both an Individual Sport and a Team Sport

Being part of a team obviously provides life lessons and forms strong friendship bonds. An ongoing controversy in the tennis world is whether it is an individual or a team sport. Tennis is both a team sport and an individual sport, in varying contexts.

Take for example the setup for national and international competitions. Playing doubles allows one to work with their partner both on and off the court for practice and for strategic plays.

Single-player tennis allows for similar bonds with other players, especially during lessons. This type of tennis also carries the team spirit in competitions as part of a local tennis club.

You Can Play Tennis Year-Round

Tennis is one of the few sports you can play year-round if you are fortunate enough to live in a region with indoor tennis courts. Indoor tennis is growing across the country and in southern Ontario, there are dozens of opportunities for young tennis fans.

With more and more inflatable domes and permanent domes being built, your daughter’s passion for tennis doesn’t have to end with the first fallen snowflakes.

Enroll Your Daughter in a Girls’ Junior Tennis Camp in Toronto

If your daughter is hoping to be the next Serena Williams, or just loves the game, enroll her at Bayview Village Tennis Camp. By investing in her future to be the best person, both on and off the court, she can learn from the invaluable lessons our certified instructors teach! As a Tennis Canada-certified junior tennis camp in Toronto, we have over 30 years of experience introducing young kids to tennis.

Our tennis camps focus on the student. Beginners and intermediate players receive instruction with a six to one ratio, while advanced and tournament players have a four to one student/instructor ratio. These small class sizes are designed to ensure each student receives personalized instruction while gaining sportsmanship and team-building skills.

Contact us today to discuss how our tennis camps and knowledgeable team can help your daughter reach her potential and tennis star dreams!