8 Fuelling Snacks for Tennis Players

Cheerful little boy with curly blond hair in sportswear smiling brightly and pointing away while standing near net on court with racket during tennis trainingAny form of physical activity can take a toll on one’s body if not properly nourished. It is crucial for participants of a tennis camp, regardless of their age, to eat a healthy diet rich in complex carbohydrates.

In addition to this essential diet, tennis players need to remember to hydrate throughout the day with water and electrolytes. Refrain from drinking beverages full of sugar and empty calories like pop and fruit juice.

When planning snacks for tennis camp, keep in mind the weather conditions as heat can cause energy to burn faster. Choose snacks that contain both water and carbohydrates such as grapes and apples.

Why Should You Snack during a Match?

Gameday foods should be low in fiber, low in fat, high in carbohydrates, and have moderate levels of protein. Consume your pre-match meal no later than 90 minutes before you start. Add fruits with low fiber to get extra carbohydrates and hydration.

Following a specific time period when it comes to food consumption helps to control the body’s ability to properly digest before a tennis match. The body breaks down carbohydrates into sugar to be used either as an immediate energy source or to store in the muscles or liver for energy. Everybody type reacts to stored energy in different ways.

In tennis, energy is required to navigate the court, serve, and return the ball to your opponent. Our muscles store carbohydrates as glycogen to later be used as this energy. An all-day Toronto tennis camp is the perfect way to burn energy.

When Should You Snack during a Match or at Tennis Camp?

Some players may believe a large meal before a match can last an entire match but that is not always the case. Avoid a heavy stomach feeling before any tennis play. It is important to snack on healthy options throughout the tennis camp day, particularly during a match. This will ensure a steady level of energy and avoid a “crash-and-burn” during play.

The trick to maintaining your energy levels during a tennis camp or a match is to eat snacks at specific intervals. During a match at your tennis camp in Toronto, divide the snack times in accordance with the last full meal consumed before a game.

For example, if a tennis player has a meal three hours before a match, it is recommended to have a healthy snack after every 40 to 50 minutes of activity. This would equate to eating three times during a three-hour match.

8 Best Snacks for Tennis Players

Tennis players are a hearty bunch. They treat their bodies like a shrine, fuelling it with a healthy diet and refraining from foods containing high sugar, saturated fats, and trans fats.

Below we list 8 healthy snacks to eat before your match that are not only easy to consume side court, but they also provide fuel for your body.


Bananas are a fast and easy snack to eat anywhere at any time. This potassium-filled fruit provides fructose which our bodies can quickly turn into energy. Tennis players often experience cramps on the court, which bananas are known to help dissipate.

Oatmeal with Fruit

Start your day with a fuel-filled meal of oatmeal topped with fruit. Regular oatmeal has enough protein, carbohydrates, and fiber to maintain energy throughout the day. Fresh fruit such as sliced apples will add to the stored energy.

Toast with a Slice of Low-Fat Cheese

Prepare for the match with toast made with whole-wheat or whole-grain bread to store needed energy. Choose the topping to be nutritious such as low-fat cheese, which provides good fats, protein, and carbohydrates.

Fruit Smoothie with Non-Fat or Low-Fat Greek Yogurt

Before heading to tennis camp, pack a delicious fruit smoothie made with non-fat yogurt. Freshly blended or frozen, a fruit smoothie doubles as a healthy energy boost while providing a refreshing beverage. In addition to hydration, a smoothie provides the right amount of protein and carbohydrates.

Energy Bar

When choosing an energy bar, be sure to read the nutrition and ingredient label for the best option. Many bars are marketed as an “energy” source but can contain high counts of sugar and trans fats. There are pure energy bars that can fill hunger aches without having empty calories.

Protein Bar

Like energy bars, protein bars contain high amounts of protein to offer energy and satiate future hunger. Knowing one’s body’s reaction to moderate to high-protein content is a helpful measuring tool as some protein bars can “overfill” one’s stomach.

Protein bars are intended to make one feel full in times when food consumption is not promoted. Watch for sugar content as some protein bars have additives to entice craving of taste.

Granola Bars

The reason schools offer granola bars as a healthy snack for students is the combination of great taste and complex carbohydrates. Pre-packaged granola bars are a quick and easy snack for courtside times. Like energy and protein bars, granola bars often have added ingredients such as high-sugar content.

Trail Mix

A handful of trail mix is a fast and simple healthy snack for tennis players. Most trail mix bags provide essential nutrients for athletes with a combination of granola, dried fruits, seeds, and nuts. Be mindful of the content of mini chocolate bites and candies that provide no energy.

Choose Bayview Village Tennis Camp for Your Kids’ Tennis Camp

Choose the skilled team at Bayview Village Tennis Camp to provide excellent instruction and lessons for your child at their junior tennis camp in Toronto this summer. Our Tennis Canada-certified instructors have personal and professional experience in all levels of the sport.

Since our humble beginnings in 1990, we have been providing skill development and competitive opportunities to players of all ages. Whether your mini tennis star is just learning to pick up a racket or has been passionate about the sport for years, we offer a friendly, safe, and educational environment. Contact us today for more information about our detailed programs.