How Early Can a Child Learn to Play Tennis?

tennis camp for kidsIf you’re a parent who is wondering what the best age is for your child to take up tennis, there are some simple tips to be aware of. Although the answer may vary depending on the source, you know your child best, and with a few helpful pointers, you can be confident about the right start time for your child to learn to play tennis.

The Best Age for Kids to Take Up Tennis

For those curious about the ideal age to enrol your child in a tennis camp for kids, it is recommended to sign them up as soon as they show an interest. Kids’ tennis camps are designed to accommodate children of all ages—there are even kid-appropriate balls, rackets, and courts that cater to the level of younger children. Starting children in sports early also allows them to grow into it. In other words, as their passions for the sport are strong and their bodies grow, they can become terrific players very early on. By the time kids are hitting the double digits, they can begin competing. For a specific number, age five or six is an appropriate age for group lessons as at this point children can walk and communicate/understand. They are also more coordinated, attentive, and able to adapt to the demands of the game. The game will start off as a fun activity but by age seven or eight they will be able to learn basic rules and techniques in a one-on-one situation.

Tips for Kids Who Want to Begin Playing Tennis

Encouraging children in their desire to play sports is best done with a plan in mind. Here are some helpful tips that allow parents to have a participating role in their children’s sports dreams.

Set Goals

Consider the following questions: what is the end goal for your child? Do they want to be a professional player, or just have fun and exercise? If you believe your child has a true talent for the sport, it is still important to let them develop at their own pace. Pushing children too hard can be damaging to their future mental and physical conditions. Tennis can take until adult life to perfect, and despite the potential of your child, as parents, you should allow kids to make decisions about how they want to pursue the sport and for how long. Of course, if a child is seven or eight, they may not be mature enough to make such decisions, but an older youth in their teens should have more of a say.

Avoid Unnecessary Pressure

Children have a few precious years to be kids and it can be challenging to identify how situations in their youth will affect their mental and physical development into adolescents and then into adulthood. Even if your child attends tennis lessons from a young age, the game should be focused on play and fun rather than training. Otherwise, you can kill the passion and their enjoyment of the game in the long run. Playing tennis with your child is a great way to make sure their development is accompanied with fun.

Balance Mind and Body

Tennis is good for both the body and the mind. Regular play of the sport has been proven to improve aerobic and cardiovascular fitness, leg and arm strength, coordination, gross motor control, bone strength and density, sportsmanship, teamwork, social skills, and more.

Give Your Kids a Head Start at Bayview Village Tennis Camp

Tennis camps are designed for children of all ages and skill levels. Trained coaches know the best ways to encourage their growth while ensuring the environment is safe, non-judgemental, and pleasant. With a kids’ tennis camp in Toronto or North York, your kid can also meet with other local children in their age group, making the experience all the more fun.

Bayview Village Tennis Camp is the top tennis camp in the GTA. Its Tennis Canada-certified instructors work to teach kids not only how to have fun with tennis, but also how to play smart and safe. More information about the junior and advanced summer tennis programs can be found by calling us at (905) 889-7293 or e-mailing