Do’s and Don’ts for a Tennis Player

Girl Playing Tennis The instructors at a tennis camp will offer excellent instruction, but that doesn’t mean your child can’t also learn on their own time. If you want your child to learn to play tennis, here are a few tips they should follow:

Don’t Try to Hit From Behind the Baseline

When you’re behind the baseline, don’t try for a winning shot; instead, try maintaining rallies. Save the winning shots for when you are inside the baseline and will receive shorter serves.

Don’t Hit Your First Serve at the Same Pace for the Entire Match

One of the first lessons you will learn regarding tennis is to not hit your first serve at the same pace for the entire match. Rather, your child should practice different kinds of serves, including the slice, flat, or kick, as well as start conservatively. Using different kinds of serves will keep your opponent guessing.

Play Every Point, No Matter What the Score

When learning tennis, you should play every point, regardless of what the score is, and be sure to change your serves. If you’re up by several points, keep the ball in, but if you have a “score cushion,” try for riskier shots that may have better results.

When You’re Behind the Service Line, Don’t Try to Put Away an Overhead

If you get an overhead shot when you are behind the service line, don’t try to hit; instead, let it bounce or go for a comfort shot. If you’re inside the service line, it’s much easier to hit overheads. However, don’t try for a big shot because you’ll likely miss.

Don’t Ignore Weather Conditions

Regardless of whether it’s sunny, cloudy, rainy, or dry, you should be prepared to play on any type of surface, both indoors and outdoors. And if you’re playing outdoors, you’ll have to take things like wind into account as well.

Don’t Swing for “Sucker Balls”

High-floating volleys are called “sucker balls” for a reason. Keep the length of your volley the same as high volleys and put your entire weight behind the serve.

Don’t Underestimate the Amount of Work That Goes into Playing Tennis

If you watch televised tennis, you’ve likely noticed the grunts and screams that players put into hitting the ball. They’re not exaggerating; tennis requires constant movement and excellent visual acuity (which improves when learning tennis).

Don’t Underestimate How Often They Will Use Their Legs

Because of the constant movement, tennis requires strong legs. And with how long some tennis matches can go on for, your child should be prepared to be on their feet for long periods of time. If your child attends a tennis camp, they will learn the proper stretching technique so they’re prepared for long matches.

As the top tennis camp in the Greater Toronto Area, Bayview Village Tennis Camp is the top choice for parents who want their children to learn to play tennis. We will teach your child all the necessary do’s and don’ts so by the time they’re finished, they’ll have the skills to enjoy this challenging yet fun sport. Contact Bayview Village Tennis Camp for more information today!